Your dream child at 16th week

Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double her weight and add inches to her length. In or out of the uterus (womb), babies are playful creatures. Yours may already have discovered her first toy, the umbilical cord, which she'll enjoy pulling and grabbing. The biggest change you will notice in your body at 16 weeks pregnant is the look and size of your breasts. Milk glands start production and veins become more visible as the blood flow increases. You may be feeling an increased weight in your womb as your waistline continues to stretch and expand.


  • If your baby is a girl, more than 4 millions eggs will have formed in her ovaries, although this number will reduce by the time she born.
  • Nails are appearing on her fingers and toes.
  • Her skeleton has developed to such an extent that it would be visible on x-ray.
  • Although she is receiving oxygen from blood, via the umbilical cord, she is practicing breathing movements, encouraging her lungs to develop.
  • Her heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.
  • Your baby also begins to build fats underneath the skin, which acts as insulation.


It's the end of your fourth month, and your baby now weighs 2 1/2 ounces. She's able to kick her legs, which are measurably longer than the arms that she often swings about as she floats in a sea -- actually, 7 1/2 ounces -- of amniotic fluid. You may be able to discern some of her movements now; some women say they're like butterfly wings flapping gently. Some first-time moms don't feel anything, though, until the 24th week.

Amazing facts about your Dream child’s movement

  • First Time Moms
    You can expect to feel your first baby kicks around 18-25 weeks
  • Second Time + Moms
    If you've had a baby before, you know what to look out for in terms of what a baby kick feels like. You may begin to notice those movements as early as 13 weeks.
  • First Movements
    Those first movements likely wouldn't be described as a "kick" but it's called "quickening".
  • Less Active Period
    Fetal moment tends to slow down as your sugar drops and is typically seen between the hours of 9pm - 1am.
  • Left Side
    Lying on your left side provides the best circulation to your baby and you may notice an increase in kicks and wiggles from the babe.
  • 10 Kicks
    After 28 weeks of pregnancy you should feel your baby move approximately ten times a day
  • Bright light
    If a bright light is shone onto your abdomen at 16 weeks of pregnancy, your baby may raise an arm to shield her eyes.
  • Food Matters
    Certain foods and drinks can cause your baby to be more active than other times.
  • Rhythmic Pattern
    If you feel a rhythmic pattern to your baby's jumps, you may be feeling the baby having hiccups. Usually starts to be noticeable to you around 24 weeks.
  • Slowed Movements
    At around 36-weeks gestation it's not unusual to feel a slight slow down in baby's movements as they grow and room is restricted.
  • Medical attention
    If you feel that the movements are reducing or are less than 10 a day, contact your gynecologist so that you and your baby can checked over.

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