Your dream child at 26th week

At this stage, you will be aware of your baby’s movements as he still has room to turn around and will prod against the wall of your uterus with his sharp fists and knees. Your dream child is becoming more sensitive to sound as the network of nerves in his ears develops. If dads talks to him now, he will learn to recognize his voice. So please dad start to talk with your little one!!!


At 26 weeks pregnant, your baby’s unique facial and body features becomes more refined:

  • Your baby's eyebrows and eyelashes are well formed.
  • His eyes are fully developed — he will start to open and close them at around 28 weeks.
  • The hair on his head grows and thickens.
  • Little footprints and fingerprints form.
  • He starts using his lungs to mimic breathing.
  • Essential fats accumulate under his skin.
  • Your baby’s nervous system is maturing, including the cells in the cortex of his brain that are used for conscious thought.
  • His brain is increasing in size, and the nerve circuits are linked up with brain cells.
  • At this point, he can feel pain.


Measuring your baby from top to toe with his legs extended, he is probably about 36cm. He weighs a little more than 760g. His skin is not as red as it was earlier weeks, and it is no longer translucent. A thin layer of fat has already started to accumulate under his skin, which make his look paler, less wrinkled and generally less fragile overall.

Make baby smarter in the womb:

The foundation of your baby’s intelligence is being built while he is still a fetus. This stage of your baby’s life is very critical because this is where the raw materials of his intelligence and personality are being formed. Fetal brain development has long lasting effect on your baby’s personality.

Congenital malformations, premature delivery and many other conditions have a serious effect on your infant’s future and quality of life. You should be aware of factors that can have an effect on your baby’s prenatal development, and avoid those that can be avoided. Factors that are found to be beneficial to the baby’s brain development in the womb are as follows:

  • Love and care for the baby: Mothers who feel and show love for the baby in the womb have babies who are healthier, happier and relaxed. Bonding with the unborn baby and talking to her in a gentle and loving manner will have positive effects on her memory and emotions. Talking to the baby in the womb is also beneficial since the baby is building the foundations of language.
  • Gaining enough weight: Gaining too much weight leads to a large baby and a difficult delivery, and this can be risky to the baby's brain. Gaining too little weight causes the baby to have smaller heads and brain, which has been linked to lower IQ. The ideal weight gain, according to obstetricians, is between 12 to 15 kg.
  • Omega-3: Researchers found that infants born to mothers with higher blood levels of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at delivery had advanced levels of attention spans up to age 2. During the first six months of life, these infants were two months ahead of those babies whose mothers had lower DHA levels.
  • Moderate Exercise: Exercise during pregnancy could be beneficial for improving fetal breathing movements and also for autonomous nervous system development, according to a study presented at The American Physiological Society. A study conducted by James F. Clapp, M.D., of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland also found evidence suggesting that mothers who continue to work out during pregnancy have smarter babies. Also, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Montreal, as little as 20 minutes of exercise three times per week can advance a newborn’s brain activity, yoga increase mitochondrial activity in a mother's brain, and this effect crosses the placenta and benefit the fetal brain as well.

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