Mamsa Dhatu

It is compared with muscle tissue. It gets its nourishment from Rakta Dhatu. It gives shape to the body parts and it sticks to the bones, helping in locomotor activities. Mamsa dhatu is more than muscle; it is the provider of strength, courage, fortitude and self-confidence. It is also the vehicle through which we express ourselves.

In the physical body, mamsa dhatu refers directly to the muscles and indirectly to the ligaments and skin, which are upadhatus formed as the unstable form of rakta dhatu (posaka rakta) is converted to mamsa dhatu.

Muscle is built from earth and fire and is then motivated by air. Earth provides the substance from which the bulky structure of muscle is made. Fire ignites the engine that directs its focus and action. Muscle is a highly metabolic tissue. While earth and fire play their fundamental roles in building the tissue, it is air that inspires and initiates its motion.

Mamsa dhatu, made up of earth and fire, has the following qualities: hot, heavy, dry, hard, unstable, rough, dense, cloudy, gross and sharp. These qualities are similar to a combination of pitta and kapha doshas and, as such, these doshas play the greatest role in its development and health. A balanced kapha dosha provides for proper structure and a balanced pitta dosha for proper metabolic function. Disturbances in these doshas are responsible for alterations of form and function.

System carrier : The Muscular System

Action: LEPANA (BINDING) The function of Mamsa Dhatu is binding. Muscles are like a gelatinous covering and give strength to the basic body’s frame. When Mamsa Dhatu is deficient, one lacks cohesion and integrity of body structure. When it is sufficient quantity, courage, confidence and strength along with the capacity of openness, forgiveness and happiness comes. The word “Mamsa” comes from the word ‘Mam” which means to “Hold Firm”. Su. Sha. 15; Su. Sha. 5/23,49

Originates from : Ligaments & Skin

Waste Product - Excreta from Ears, Eyes, Mouth, Nose & Roots of hair
Mamsa Dhatu: Its main function is Lepana –It is controlled by Kapha Dosha. Usually Kapha Dosha increase and decrease leads to Mamsa Dhatu increase and decrease respectively.

Formation of mamsa dhatu or muscle

shonitham swaagnina pakwam vayunaacha ghanikrutam
tadeva maamsam jaaneeyat sthiram bhavati dehinaam

According ayurveda Rakta dhatu or blood tissue when subjected to further processing by its agni forms mamsa dhatu. Vayu takes part in solidification and jalabhuta helps in softening it. Thus mamsa dhatu is formed. Su. S.15; Ch. Chi. 15/29
"maamsa vahaanam srotasaam snayurmoolam twakcha"
The muscles originates from snayus (ligaments) . Even few originate from skin

Maamsa saara purusha lakshana

A person who has well built muscles looks very strong. He will have well defined muscles on chest, abdomen, arms, calf and thighs. The muscles are very well defined on temples, neck, jaws, shoulders, and cheeks. The person will be having self control, good health and longetivity. Su. S. 35/16; Cha. Vi. 8/105


"Mamsadharakala" is a sheeth like structure which covers muscles (mamsa), ligaments (snayu) and blood vessels (dhamani) running through muscles.
Su. Sha. 4/10
The origin and extension of muscles along with its branches, arteries, veins and nerves look like branches of lotus stems which spread in water giving rise to lotus buds.

Symptoms of Mamsa Dhatu Disorders:
Increased - Su. S. 14/15
  • Fibrocystic changes in the Breasts
  • Enlarged Lips
  • Enlarged Cheeks & Tongue
  • Uterine Fybroids
  • Muscle Flaccidity
  • Muscle Hypertrophy
  • Undue growth of Muscle
  • Fibromas & Myomas
Decreased - Su. S. 15/9; Cha. Su. 17/65
  • Craving for Proteins
  • Emaciation
  • Dislocation of joints
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of Muscle power
  • Muscle Rigidity
  • Atrophy
  • Wasting of Muscles
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