Introduction of Dhatu
Sapta Dhatu

Dhatu are basically the body tissues which are responsible for the functioning of the systems and organs and the structure of the body. The word “dhatu” comes from a Sanskrit word which means “that which enters into the formation of the body”; the root Daa (dha) means “support, that which bears”. It is thus said to be the base of growth and survival.

According to ayurveda, “dosha dhatu mala mulam hi shariram” It means doshas are the biological forces which work through the medium of dhatus and malas. Dhatus and malas are the structural units and the doshas are the energy forms. Hence the doshas are called as asrayees and dhatus called as asrayaas. “Sharira Dharanat Dhatvah” that is those which nourish and support the body are known as dhatu.

According to Ayurveda, there are seven basic types of dhatus in a human body. These seven basic dhatus are composed of five mahabhutas. These dhatus remain inside the human body in a proper equilibrium so that the body can function properly. It is said that any kind of disturbance or imbalance in their equilibrium causes ailments and diseases.

The seven dhatus are as follows:

Provides nourishment to all other six buddies of its. It's a transporter of the body – Plasma fluids.

Works like Rasa in movement, provides energy to all other five and also provides color/complexion to body Blood!!

It covers the body and gives movements to the body Muscular system of the body.

Collects the energies and stores it for the strengths of the body Adipose tissue, along with other components, which are liable to store energy in them.

Bears the body, make it to stand upright as does the skeletal system for us.

Responsible for love and nourishment as its structure is also smooth and soft. As it fills the gap in bones, it can be said- marrow!

After nourishment of the body, rest will go for the coming generation. Important for reproductive capacities of a person, or can be said a power nourishing the reproductive strengths of a person. These seven together hold up the body and provide strength for life.

Sapta Dhatu

Since the dhatus support and derive energy from each other, affecting one can influence others. For instance, interference in the manufacture of the plasma affects the quality of the blood, which in turn affects the muscle. Each tissue type has its own agni, which determines metabolic changes in the tissues. And forms by-products, which are either used in the body or excreted. Menstrual periods for example are a by-product of rasa. The tissues are also governed by the three doshas, and any imbalance in them also causes imbalances in dhatus. Heavy periods therefore can also be caused by the effects of the excess of Kapha on plasma.

Each of the Dhatus is built out of a previous one and they develop on the nourishment that comes from the digestive system. They are basically the result of the action of catalysts that convert one tissue to another. The sole purpose of metabolism is to assemble proper ‘Dhatus’ together in synchronization with which they carry out their role as the field of physiological activity.

Each dhatu consists of countless infinitesimal paramanus (cells) which are units of structure and function. Each paramanu contains innumerable suksma srotas (channels, pores) through which it receives nutrients and subtle energies and eliminates waste materials. Because dhatus are saturated with pores, the human body can also be said to be filled with pores (srotomaya). The srotas of each dhatu are unique in their structure and function and in the materials which move through them. The state of health of each dhatu as well as its relative vriddhi/kshaya (excess/deficiency; increase/decrease) is assessed by the physician.

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